Using faceted

faceted.faceted() is quite flexible. Here are a couple of examples illustrating the different features. Using it in many ways resembles using matplotlib.pyplot.subplots().

In [1]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]: import xarray as xr

In [3]: from matplotlib import ticker

In [4]: from faceted import faceted

In [5]: tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=3)

In [6]: ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset('rasm').isel(x=slice(30, 37), y=-1,
   ...:                                            time=slice(0, 11))

In [7]: temp = ds.Tair

In [8]: fig, axes = faceted(2, 3, width=8)

In [9]: for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
   ...:     temp.isel(x=i).plot(ax=ax, marker='o', ls='none')
   ...:     ax.set_title('{:0.2f}'.format(temp.xc.isel(x=i).item()))
   ...:     ax.set_xlabel('Time')
   ...:     ax.set_ylabel('Temperature [C]')
   ...:     ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=45)

In [10]:

Padding options

We’ll notice that there are some padding issues in the above plot. We can add some padding using the outer and inner padding arguments. Specifying an internal_pad as a tuple allows us to prescribe different horizontal and vertical pad values; specifying a left_pad and bottom_pad allows us to make room for the outer axes labels, while maintaining our prescribed figure width.

In [11]: fig, axes = faceted(2, 3, width=8, left_pad=0.75, bottom_pad=0.9,
   ....:                     internal_pad=(0.33, 0.66))

In [12]: for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
   ....:     temp.isel(x=i).plot(ax=ax, marker='o', ls='none')
   ....:     ax.set_title('{:0.2f}'.format(temp.xc.isel(x=i).item()))
   ....:     ax.set_xlabel('Time')
   ....:     ax.set_ylabel('Temperature [C]')
   ....:     ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=45)

In [13]:

Sharing axes

By default all axes are shared among the panels. Let’s say we wanted to plot a different quantity on the bottom row of panels, so the y-axis would be different. Making use of the xarray tutorial dataset, we can plot an anomaly from the time mean at each location in the lower row instead.

In [14]: import numpy as np

In [15]: index = ds.indexes['time']

In [16]: time_weights = index.shift(1, 'MS') - index.shift(-1, 'MS')

In [17]: time_weights = xr.DataArray(time_weights, ds.time.coords)

In [18]: mean = (ds.Tair * time_weights).sum('time') / time_weights.where(np.isfinite(ds.Tair)).sum('time')

In [19]: anomaly = ds.Tair - mean

In [20]: fig, axes = faceted(2, 3, width=8, left_pad=0.75, bottom_pad=0.9,
   ....:                     internal_pad=(0.33, 0.66), sharey='row')

In [21]: for i, ax in enumerate(axes[:3]):
   ....:     temp.isel(x=i).plot(ax=ax, marker='o', ls='none')
   ....:     ax.set_title('{:0.2f}'.format(temp.xc.isel(x=i).item()))
   ....:     ax.set_xlabel('Time')
   ....:     ax.set_ylabel('Temperature [C]')

In [22]: for i, ax in enumerate(axes[3:]):
   ....:     anomaly.isel(x=i).plot(ax=ax, marker='o', ls='none')
   ....:     ax.set_title('{:0.2f}'.format(temp.xc.isel(x=i).item()))
   ....:     ax.set_xlabel('Time')
   ....:     ax.set_ylabel('Anomaly [C]')
   ....:     ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=45)

In [23]:

Colorbar modes and locations

Let’s say we are plotting 2D data in the form of pcolormesh plots that require a colorbar. faceted.faceted() comes with a number of options for placing and sizing colorbars in a paneled figure. We can add a colorbar to a figure by modifying the cbar_mode argument; by default it is set to None, meaning no colorbar, as in the plots above. For all of the examples here, we’ll just plot a time series of maps. Since the xarray tutorial data is geographic in nature, we’ll also use this opportunity to show how to use cartopy with faceted.faceted().

Single colorbar

A single colorbar is useful when we use the same color scale for all panels of a figure.

In [24]: import as ccrs

In [25]: ds = xr.tutorial.load_dataset('rasm')

In [26]: aspect = 75. / 180.

In [27]: fig, axes, cax = faceted(2, 3, width=8, aspect=aspect,
   ....:                          bottom_pad=0.75, cbar_mode='single',
   ....:                          cbar_pad=0.1, internal_pad=0.1,
   ....:                          cbar_location='bottom', cbar_short_side_pad=0.,
   ....:                          axes_kwargs={'projection': ccrs.PlateCarree()})

In [28]: for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
   ....:     c = ds.Tair.isel(time=i).plot(
   ....:         ax=ax, add_colorbar=False, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
   ....:         vmin=-30, vmax=30, x='xc', y='yc')
   ....:     ax.set_title('')
   ....:     ax.set_xlabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_ylabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_extent([-180, 0, 15, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
   ....:     ax.coastlines()

In [29]: plt.colorbar(c, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', label='Temperature [C]');

In [30]:

Edge colorbars

Edge colorbars are useful when rows or columns of a figure share a colorbar. We’ll show an example where the rows share a colorbar.

In [31]: aspect = 75. / 180.

In [32]: fig, axes, (cax1, cax2) = faceted(2, 3, width=8, aspect=aspect, right_pad=0.75,
   ....:                                   cbar_mode='edge',
   ....:                                   cbar_pad=0.1, internal_pad=0.1,
   ....:                                   cbar_location='right', cbar_short_side_pad=0.,
   ....:                                   axes_kwargs={'projection': ccrs.PlateCarree()})

In [33]: for i, ax in enumerate(axes[:3]):
   ....:     c1 = ds.Tair.isel(time=i).plot(
   ....:         ax=ax, add_colorbar=False, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
   ....:         vmin=-30, vmax=30, x='xc', y='yc')
   ....:     ax.set_title('')
   ....:     ax.set_xlabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_ylabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_extent([180, 360, 15, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
   ....:     ax.coastlines()

In [34]: plt.colorbar(c1, cax=cax1, label='[C]');

In [35]: for i, ax in enumerate(axes[3:], start=3):
   ....:     c2 = ds.Tair.isel(time=i).plot(
   ....:         ax=ax, add_colorbar=False, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
   ....:         vmin=-50, vmax=50, x='xc', y='yc')
   ....:     ax.set_title('')
   ....:     ax.set_xlabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_ylabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_extent([-180, 0, 15, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
   ....:     ax.coastlines()

In [36]: plt.colorbar(c2, cax=cax2, label='[C]');

In [37]:

Colorbars for each panel

One more common use case is a colorbar for each panel. This can be done by specifying cbar_mode='each' as an argument in the call to faceted.faceted().

In [38]: tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=3)

In [39]: aspect = 75. / 180.

In [40]: fig, axes, caxes = faceted(2, 3, width=8, aspect=aspect, right_pad=0.75,
   ....:                            cbar_mode='each',
   ....:                            cbar_pad=0.1, internal_pad=(0.75, 0.1),
   ....:                            cbar_location='right', cbar_short_side_pad=0.,
   ....:                            axes_kwargs={'projection': ccrs.PlateCarree()})

In [41]: for i, (ax, cax) in enumerate(zip(axes, caxes)):
   ....:     c = ds.Tair.isel(time=i).plot(
   ....:         ax=ax, add_colorbar=False, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
   ....:         x='xc', y='yc', cmap='viridis')
   ....:     ax.set_title('')
   ....:     ax.set_xlabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_ylabel('')
   ....:     ax.set_extent([-180, 0, 15, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
   ....:     ax.coastlines()
   ....:     cb = plt.colorbar(c, cax=cax, label='[C]')
   ....:     cb.locator = tick_locator
   ....:     cb.update_ticks()

In [42]:

Parameter defintions

A full summary of the meanings of the different arguments to faceted.faceted() can be found here.

Parameters controlling figure and axes dimensions

  • W: width controls the overall width of the figure in inches.
  • y / x: aspect controls the aspect ratio of the panels.
  • z: cbar_size controls the thickness of the colorbar in inches.

Parameters controlling padding

  • A: left_pad controls the spacing between the left-most axes and the edge of the figure in inches.
  • B: right_pad controls the spacing between the right-most axes and the edge of the figure in inches.
  • C: bottom_pad controls the spacing between the bottom-most axes and the edge of the figure in inches.
  • D: top_pad controls the spacing between the top-most axes and the edge of the figure in inches.
  • E: cbar_short_side_pad controls the spacing between the edges of the colorbar and the edges of the axes in inches.
  • F: internal_pad controls the spacing between the non-colorbar axes in inches. It can either be a number (and specify the horizontal and vertical pad at the same time) or it can be a length-two sequence (and specify both the horizontal and vertical pads, respectively).
  • G: cbar_pad controls the spacing (in inches) between the edge of the non-colorbar axes and the colorbar axes.